Double eyelid tape had been one of my MUST HAVE essentials since about 2 years ago, simply because i have hidden double eyelids with one eye with a more obvious double eyelid and another eye with a hidden double eyelid. This results in

Imbalance sizes of eyes
Hmm i think the double eyelid stickers did help me alot..because before i have both eyes with single eyelids or very hidden double eyelids.
And yes, i had heard alot of people saying these double eyelid stickers/glue will make my skin around the eyes sag and will have wrinkles, thus i only remove the stickers when i remove my makeup, just gently press a cotton pad soaked with eye makeup remover and gently press it on my eyelids, then the sticker will fall off without tugging my eyelids.
Koji Eye Talk ( Double Eyelid Glue)
I had been tempted to buy this eyelid glue long time ago but not sure if it works. Because it's a glue? It felt a bit strange glueing my eyelids together to create a double eyelid. And i guess when we sweat it will melt and wont be as long lasting compared to double eyelid stickers?
Ah's worth a try. Thus i bought this and was attracted by its' cute packaging. And again Japanese proved that they put alot of effort in the packaging of their products.

Cute right?
there's even a tiny instruction manual inside to teach us how to use this eyelid glue.

It's a white liquid and turns transparent when it's dry.
The smell is a bit strong, it's a mixture of gluey smell + some fragrance i guess..
Although i dont really like the smell but it's still bearable.

This applicator also came with koji eye talk.
It has one end of a fork like thingy and

another end like this.
How do i use this? 1. Cleanse your eyelids and wipe them dry.
2. Use the fork applicator to measure the thickness of your double eyelids ( which you desire) - 4-6mm from your eyelashes will be more natural
3. Close your eyes
4. Use the brush applicator and apply a 4-6mm wide(oval shaped) on your middle eyelid - a thin layer will do and avoid uneven application
5. Wait the glue turns transparent, slowly use the fork applicator to push your eyelids up
6. To remove or redo, use a wet cotton pad to remove the glue

It was not as simple as i thought..
because we cant even know if the glue turns transparent already or not when we close our eyes.
Thus i need to open my eyes a little to take a small peak..and this makes my eyelids stuck together already when i open my eyes.. not a good thing though because my lashes also tends to stick to glue part -.-
i have to either remove the glue or slowly pull my lashes out from the glur (ouch, i lost a few eyelashes with this method)
Here's my results :

Not nicely done because this is my first time using this glue.
i believe practice makes perfect :D

When i close my eyes, it looks pretty natural but my eyelids does looks bumpy and not smooth..
But from afar these little details are unnoticeable.
BUT! When i tried to apply eyeshadows!! I was shocked by the effect!
My eyeshadows tend to stick to the glue part and accentuate the place where i applied the glue!

OMG! simply looks disgusting.
I tried using a base or foundation b4 the eyeshadows but to no avail.
Thus, i decided to only use eyelid glue when i dont want to have any makeups on..
Packaging : 9/10Lasting Power : 7/10(This is obviously not as lasting as the tape because when we stretch our eyelids for a period of time, it will go back to its original state, but still it's VERY LASTING if we don't stretch our eyelids too much :P)
Price : Depends on sellers.. some selling for RM37 some RM29
I bought mine for about RM20 or so :)
Overall Ratings : 6/10
Don't really like this though cuz it's much harder to use as compared to tapes.
Introducing my all time favourite
PINK LADY double eyelid tapes
This is a precut double eyelid tapes, so it's easy to use and convenient
There are 30 pairs inside..
There are 3 sizes, S, M, and L
i always choose S because my double eyelids are originally narrow.
Choose M or L if you wish to have a wider double eyelid, but wider tapes means your tapes will be more obvious and unnatural.
(Picture taken from
RM8.90 for 30 pairs only??? Expensive??
Just don't throw them away when u have used up the 30 pairs,
Because i'm sooo stingy i cut the tapes in between the precut tapes and still can be used for a long long long time
Usually in between one pair of the precut tapes, i can still cut 2 pairs out, because i only need a thin tape to create my fold.
How do i use this?
1. Clean your eyelids and wipe dry, if you want to apply eye creams can do so(NO OILY CREAMS PLS)
2. Make sure your eyelids are dry, then use a fork applicator and create your fold.
3. Use a sharp tweezer to tear out the tape and cut the edges so that it fits the length of your eyes. And remember to cut them nicely and round, so that it won't poke your eyes and make you feel uncomfortable.
4. Stick the tapes right under your fold ( middle of your eyelids)
5. Alter the tapes following the shape of your fold. Then use the fork applicator again and slightly "push" the tapes upwards and inwards.
and the results :

It looks like this when i open my eyes..
it's barely noticeable when i open my eyes..
but can be quite obvious when i close my eyes
like this

This is how my eyes looks with makeup..the tapes are slightly noticeable but still MUCH better than the eyelid glue.
P/S : The tapes do fall off if you sweat a lot and better don't use this if you have sensitive skin. You can buy those transparent surgical tapes and cut them up and used as double eyelid tapes, these are better because they are more 'breathable' and is more suitable for sensitive skin.
I also bought the fake PINK LADY double eyelid tapes which is only like RM2 or RM4? i couldnt remember, and so much difference. The fake one is sooo obvious and not as sticky as the original ones.
Packaging : 7/10 Lasting Power : 9/10 ( It usually last me for the WHOLE DAY)
Price : Rm8.90 ( can buy from SASA)
Overall ratings : 8/10
( I'm still searching for less obvious eyelid tapes, any suggestions girls?)